5 Ways to Sort Your Life Out This Spring

Let’s face it, the first few months of the year tend to be a bit hazy. In between being over the winter weather, feeling the pressure of New Year’s Resolutions and trying to get a head start on work after the holidays, we tend to go into fight or flight mode and forget to check in. And that’s okay! Spring is a great opportunity to reset.

So while we wait for the weather to catch up to the seasons, here are a few ways to sort out your life this spring. Whether it’s an emotional or a physical spring clean, start this quarter with the right foot forward. 

  1. Re-evaluate your start of year goals

Did you want to write a novel? Do more exercise? Go to bed earlier? Whatever it is, having had three months to test out your goals should give you a pretty good idea of how realistic they are and what is working for you. 

Take some time to sit down and evaluate:

  • Am I still interested in this goal?

    • If not, discard and move on to the next! 

  • Is this goal still realistic for this year?

    • If not, can I still achieve part of it? (Make a list of what you need to do)

    • If yes, what are the next steps in achieving this goal? What should I focus on this spring? 

  • What is working for me about this goal?

  • What is one thing I have done to achieve this goal?

  • What isn’t working for me about this goal? (it could be the time it consumes, a lifestyle obstacle, motivation, anything)

  • What is something I know I need to work on? 

  • How can I remove some of the obstacles in the way of achieving this goal? 

  • Is there someone who can help me achieve this goal? How do I ask them for help?  

  • One thing you will do this week to move forward (it can be as small or as big as you like!) 

2. Get outside and go on a daily walk

Even if it still feels rainy, adding a daily walk in spring is more beneficial than you might think! Not only does it reset your brain and propel creativity, spring walks can also enhance a positive mindset thanks to the flowers and greenery coming back around. 

Unlike summer, when the air can feel balmy and a-little-too-hot, the chilly gusts of wind in spring are actually good for your mental health. It makes you feel more awake and, especially after spending so long indoors with the heating on, finally wave the constant fatigue goodbye. 

3. Find new podcasts, books and publications to read

A new season is a great time to find the motivation to learn new things. Thankfully, it’s also easy to find content pertaining to whatever it is you want to dive into. Whether it’s something related to your goals or simply curiosity, make a list of articles, podcasts and books you want to look into. You might not end up reading and listening to everything, and that’s okay - there’s always the rest of the year! 

Here are a few of our personal favourites on a few different topics:

Gender Equality

Work and business

Mental Health

4. Tidy your space

The infamous spring clean exists for a reason - spring is a time of renewal and, with the light lasting longer, it’s a great way to use the extra energy. Decluttering and cleaning is an incredibly effective way to destress and find motivation. From doing that one task you’ve been putting off (like washing the curtains or tidying the space under the sink) to re-arranging your living room, cleaning makes us feel accomplished and mentally ready to tackle more. 

  • Create a list of what you want to clean/declutter/tidy

  • Make a plan for when you’ll tackle each task

  • Start with the hardest thing - it might be that one you’ve been procrastinating for months!

5. Change up your environment 

While working from home can be lovely, it can also be lonely. If you find yourself tired of your space and looking forward to getting out  - now is the time. Find a different space to work from (preferably one with natural light and low-maintenance for you) where you can feel inspired and meet new people.

According to the Harvard Business Review, people who belong to co-working spaces “report levels of thriving that approach an average of 6 on a 7-point scale”. It’s not the most surprising statistic. We know changes of scenery are invigorating and opportunities to collaborate, network and feel part of a community tackle loneliness.

If you’re feeling like you want a change of environment, join us at The Hearth. Our space is calming, airy and conducive to collaboration. Plus, with free after-work events for members, Lunch & Learn and Cake & Chat twice a week, rest assured you will feel incredibly motivated to achieve your goals (however big or small). 

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