
Covid-19 Health and Safety Procedures at The Hearth

 We have put in place measures to maintain hygiene, safety and social distancing at The Hearth.

Increased cleaning and sanitisation:

  • We clean and disinfect all common areas in the morning before opening and in the evening after closing. Staff will additionally sanitise all common areas during the Work Day.

  • The space is being professionally deep cleaned more frequently.

  • We are providing complimentary sanitisation products in the space via cleaning stations within easy access on both floors and in bathrooms.

  • All members and visitors are briefed before entering the space on our Covid-19 safety protocol. They are instructed to wash their hands with soap every time they enter The Hearth, proceed to their allocated area, disinfect desks at the end of the Work Day as well as common areas such as the pantry and bathrooms after use.

  • We are opening windows and doors to encourage ventilation, where possible.

 Maintaining social distancing:

  • Seating and tables have been reconfigured to maintain a 2m spacing and reduce face- to-face interactions.

  • Everyone entering The Hearth for a Work Day will be pre-assigned a designated seat. This will be their space for the duration of the day and they are required to sit there for the whole time they are at The Hearth. If they do need to move for any reason, they are expected to alert a member of staff.

  • Members are not allowed to bring guests into The Hearth at any point in time.

  • For the time being, we will not be allowing meetings to take place in the meeting room and the phone booths are closed for communal use.

  • The Meeting Room and phone booths are in use - users are instructed to sanitise the room and booths after their sessions, and to air out the room.

  • There will be a designated toilet for people sitting upstairs and people sitting downstairs. 

  • Please make use of the floor signages indicating where to wait in common areas so as to maintain social distancing such as on the stairs or outside the bathrooms.

  • We ask that only one person at a time enters the Pantry

Upholding health & safety

  • Any member or visitor feeling unwell is required to reschedule their visit. If they or anyone they live with has any of the following symptoms - high temperature, hot to touch on your body, a new continuous cough or loss of taste or smell, is requested to do not come in. 

  • We ask that members or visitors cover their nose and mouth upon sneezing and to throw used tissues into the bin immediately.