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Heal Your Inner Child (Part 1): Meet and Greet Your Inner Child


£15 Live at The Hearth / £10 on Zoom / Free for Hearth Members


  • Doors open and drinks @7:15- 7:45
  • Workshop including opportunity to ask questions @ 7:45-9:15
  • Drinks and mingling @9:15

Healing Your Inner Child: Part 1 - Meet and Greet Your Inner Child With Michele Paradise

Do you ever feel like your past experiences are holding you back from living your best life? Do you struggle with self-doubt, anxiety, or difficulty forming healthy relationships? If so, you may have an unhealed inner child.

But don't worry, you're not alone. Many of us carry emotional wounds from childhood that continue to affect us as adults. In fact, research shows that our experiences as children can have a significant impact on our physical, emotional, and mental well-being as we grow older.

The good news is that you can start healing your inner child today. At this event, you'll learn powerful techniques to meet and get to know your inner child, build self-awareness and develop coping and survival strategies. Through journaling, creative visualization, Inner Child meditation, and the 5 Senses Technique created by Michele Paradise, you'll gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your inner child. You'll also explore the seven archetypes of personality, including the Caretaker, the Overachiever, and the Life of the Party, and learn how each archetype copes with stress.

This is part 1 of a 3 part series on Healing Your Inner Child - see below for more information.

For many of us, feelings of "not being good enough" and negative relationship patterns can be overwhelming and trigger intense emotions. These feelings can be rooted in experiences and traumas that occurred during our childhood. The Healing Your Inner Child workshops are designed to help individuals understand the impact of these experiences and develop the self-awareness necessary to overcome them. Throughout the three workshops, participants will explore the concepts of inner child healing, boundary setting, and effective communication. The workshops provide participants with the skills and understanding they need to heal their inner child, create healthy relationships, and lead a fulfilling life. Whether you are looking to overcome challenges in your personal life or grow professionally, the Healing Your Inner Child workshops are the perfect starting point for anyone who is committed to growth and healing. Join Michele Paradise on this transformative journey today.

Part 1: Meet and Greet Your Inner Child - March 21st, 2023

Part 2: Creating Safety With Your Inner Child - April 12th, 2023

Part 3: Freeing Your Inner Child - May 10th, 2023

Michele Paradise

Trauma-informed Therapist & Relationship Coach

Michele Paradise is a trauma-informed therapist and relationship coach with over 20 years experience working with self-compassion, self-healing and post-traumatic growth. She studied, trained and worked with some of the best in the field of self-development and healing: Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) (trained and qualified with the co-creator, Dr Richard Bandler and became his assistant for 10 years.) Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist (trained with Paul McKenna, the world renowned hypnotherapists became his assistant for years) Havening Techniques (trained by the creator Dr Ronald Ruden) Personal Development Coaching with Deepak Chopra on his digital wellness platform Jiyo Compassionate Inquiry (trainee with Dr Gabor Maté, one of the top trauma and addiction specialists in the world)

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